
About Me

Hi. I'm Kristen. I started this blog as a way to keep friends and family updated on my husband Sam's battle with cancer. He was diagnosed with an aggressive, rare lymphoma the day before our son was born. It's been a crazy journey that lead us from our small Florida town to New York City and back, but I'm thrilled to be able to say, after 15 rounds of high-dose chemo and one very intense allogeneic stem cell transplant, Sam is cancer free. This blog continues to change, just as we have, as we navigate through the challenging roles of patient, caregiver, parent and survivor. I throw some recipes in now and then because, like most people, I love food and love to share what I'm cooking.  Please don't judge my food photography skills too harshly, as it truly is not my passion and I'm typically working under the pressure of two sets of hungry eyes. We can be reached at if you have any comments or questions. Thanks for stopping by.

August 2012, finally back home and reunited with our son

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