
Thursday, May 26, 2011

Count Your Blessings

I just found some pictures on my camera today, and thought I'd update everyone on Jack's hernia operation.  The procedure was done at Florida Hospital in Orlando by an awesome pediatric surgeon named Dr. Thompson.  This was a routine procedure, but we were so nervous and hesitant about him being put under at such a young age.  The doctor said no breastfeeding after 3am, and they didn't take him back until 8am (did I mention Jack eats every 2 hours?) which made for a very grueling 5 hours.  Hearing your hungry baby cry might be one of the worst sounds in the entire world.  But we thankfully made it through the morning, and the surgery went extremely well.

When the doctor told us Jack would need surgery we starting feeling pretty sorry for ourselves.  Like we really needed one more medical drama right now?  But I have to say, when we got to the hospital and saw families with children who had real problems and serious medical conditions our whole attitude changed.  Thank God we were there for something minor and fixable.  Thank God we had great insurance to cover it.  And thank God we could take him home knowing we wouldn't have to be back any time soon.

Here are some pictures from our hospital stay.  Florida Hospital has an amazing Walt Disney Pavilion wing for children and their families along with a fantastic staff of nurses.  Jack fell in love with Nurse Michelle who was truly our angel during our stay.

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