
Friday, July 8, 2011

Percocet and Watermelon Margaritas

Sam just finished up his 6th round of chemo last week.  His white blood cell count was low so they gave him a shot to boost his immune system and delayed his treatment for a few days.  Up until this point Sam had been dealing with some very painful mouth sores that made eating and drinking completely miserable.  You have to understand, Sam rarely takes anything stronger than extra strength Tylenol so when I came downstairs to find him rummaging through the cabinet for the Percocet I knew it must be bad.  Thankfully, his mouth started healing almost immediately after he received that shot, and he was ready for treatment two days later.  They administered all of the drugs on one day this time which was pretty hard on his body so he's been taking it easy for the past week.

Jack is doing fabulous.  Thank you so much for all of your teething suggestions.  He now has two (very sharp!) bottom teeth.  I started making him purees and so far he's loving bananas and sweet potatoes.  Peaches are up next.  We also tried to go swimming for the first time over the holiday weekend, but he was not very interested in all.

I'm passing along one of my favorite summer recipes.  It doubles, triples, or quadruples well.

Watermelon Margaritas

3 1/2 cups cubes seeded watermelon
1/2 cup white tequila
2 Tablespoons sugar
3 Tablespoons fresh lime juice
1 Tablespoon Triple Sec

Combine everything in a blender and process until smooth.  Pour over crushed ice.

And here are a few pictures from bath time tonight :)

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