
Thursday, September 29, 2011

Bad Mama

Jack fell off my bed this morning.  I was turned around for literally 5 seconds before I heard a crack (his head hitting my nightstand) and a thud (him hitting the thankfully carpeted floor).  He is OK.  Dr. McCain's office gave me a checklist of things to watch for today.  I'm only posting this because if it could happen to me, it can happen to you.  Right before I turned around I heard that little voice in my head saying "you might not want to do this".  That voice has served me well, especially in college.  Next time I'll be sure to listen up.

On a better note, Sam is back to work today.  He spent the week resting up and visiting doctors for follow up tests.  His next round of chemo is scheduled for Monday and Tuesday of next week.  On Wednesday we'll be traveling up to Shands in Gainesville to get things started for Sam's stem cell transplant.  The whole transplant process seems a bit daunting, but it's always nice to have a reason to visit Gainesville in the fall. 

1 comment:

  1. So sad! Trinity, my oldest, fell out of a shopping cart on her head when she was little and I was big and pregnant with Natalie, my second. It was a nightmare for me, but she was fine, aside from a HUGE bump on her head. Those moments always make us moms feel guilty! <3 you guys!
