
Sunday, September 18, 2011

Jack's First Haircut

Sam sat for his first round of new treatment on Wednesday.  He's getting a gemcitabine, rituximab, oxaliplatin combination (GROC) that's administered in Dr. McGarry's office over the course of 9 hours.  This type of chemo involves less drugs but a higher dose of chemicals.  His large B-cell Hodgkin's lymphoma has transformed into a T-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma so hopefully this treatment will be more effective.  It was a very long day, but everything went well.  Sam has decided to work through it this time, taking off a couple days to recoup in between treatments.  He ended up getting that sales job, but in the end, decided to turn it down to focus on getting better.  It was definitely a huge disappointment, but we have faith that something else will come along.

Here's a little clip from Jack's first haircut.  Hope everyone has a great week.


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