
Thursday, October 6, 2011

Beating the Odds

We got home from Gainesville late last night.  We met with a great doctor at the UF Bone Marrow Transplant Unit who was able to break everything down in a very direct and understandable way.  Honestly, it wasn't what we were hoping to hear.  Sam has a rare form of lymphoma that is proving to be resistant to chemotherapy.  It is imperative that we find an effective type of chemo to get him into remission before we start the stem cell transplant process.  We discussed several treatment options, and he certainly didn't sugarcoat anything.  The odds aren't exactly in our favor.  We left Gainesville with heavy hearts, but very much trying to be strong for each other.  It felt so good to get home to Jack and lay out our new game plan.  Our first order of business was to throw those odds out the window.  No sense in worrying about statistics (my motto in grad school!).  There's just too much to live for.  Like this guy.


  1. Oh my heart goes out to you. We are praying for you as always. And you are right-throw those statistics out!

  2. That is a glorious plan. Love y'all.

  3. Statistics might matter more if people weren't always beating the odds! Statistics are just metrics: they have no power over life. Out the window is where they should stay.

  4. statistics is just lying with math don't believe a word... Just ask this poor bastard hit by lightening 7 times!! And lived to tell the tale every time, statistically that can't happen!
    Love, Amelia G.

  5. Thank you all for your words. I know a lot of people are reading the blog, but it's SO nice to hear from friends. It literally can change the whole mood in our house. Thank you. xo

  6. They gave my Dad less than 6 months to live and that was 10 1/2 years ago. Sam has every bit of fight and strength needed to beat this cancer and he will. I am praying hard for Sam and your whole family and will continue to do so until we hear the good news that lies ahead. xo, Ralna

  7. Kristen and Sam-- I am shocked and so sad to hear this new-- but so inspired by you both! You are such loving, wonderful people, and you WILL get through this just fine, I know it. Please let me know what my family and I can do-- we all adore you so much. We will donate as soon as the link is available online. If he needs bone marrow transplant (I wasn't sure but you wrote that you were in the Bone Marrow Transplant Unit)-- we will of course all get tested immediately. Sending love and good vibes and big prayers your way. So much of health is mental-- so stay positive!! LOTS OF LOVE, Andrea Vitunac

  8. Kristen and Sam,
    So sorry to hear this news. It sounds like you're handling it very well; please know that you have the love and support of friends from all over the country. We're all confident that if anyone can beat those damn statistics it's Sam, and it sounds like you've got the finest doctors in the world caring for him. :) Stay strong and never stop swinging - you'll get through this.
    Justin Riney

  9. Ralna, your dad's story has been so inspiring for us. Thank you for sharing it and for all your support.

    Andrea, I love you and it's been too long. Thank you for your sweet note. Sam will hopefully be going through a stem cell transplant where they will use his own cells. If that doesn't work they'll try his siblings and then a donor bank. Where touched by your offer though. Hope to catch up over the holidays!

    Justin, so nice to hear from you, and you're right! If someone can beat this it's definitely Sam! Your note was perfect timing. We needed to hear that :) xo

  10. Sam and Kristen,

    To quote Han Solo: "Never tell me the odds."

    I was given my last rites when I was born and I'm still here, so you keep at it and just know we are all with you.

    With all my thoughts and prayers,

    Doc Porter

  11. Kristen, Valerie and I will be praying for your little guy. We would LOVE to be at the benefit but we're living in NC right now. I spent 2 months working in the bone marrow transplant unit at Shands, and those people are wonderful. God bless and keep you guys and that little boy.

  12. "Being happy is the cornerstone of all that you are! Nothing is more important than that you feel good! And you have absolute and utter control about that because you can choose the thought that makes you worry or the thought that makes you happy; the things that thrill you, or the things that worry you. You have the choice in every moment. All Is Well."

    When you get into a tight place, and everything goes against you, till it seems as though you could not hold on a moment longer, never give up, then- for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn.
    Surround yourself with those who believe in you and open your heart to all the gifts you will receive. And never allow previous problems to overcome you- a chemo/therapy time is only for healing. Remember there are lots of survivors.
    your family is in our thoughts and prayers- Jim and jamie perkins Hart- Vivian, Lilly and Jack perkins
