
Friday, October 21, 2011

Cancer Doctors and Breast Milk

Between our upcoming trip to NYC and the small disaster area in our family room, it's been a little nuts around here.  Sam and I heard about a big lymphoma conference happening at the Waldorf-Astoria around the same time as our trip so I've been tracking down email addresses for doctors who'll be attending and sending them Sam's information.  We were amazed when we started getting replies and downright floored when our phone started ringing.  So far we've heard from experts at Mayo Clinic, Georgetown University Hospital, the National Cancer Institute, the University of Arizona and Weill Cornell Medical Center.  It's been great to get to communicate with these doctors and we've actually extended our stay to include an appointment with Dr. Rebecca Elstrom at Cornell.

As excited as we are to visit and talk to doctors, we are really anxious about being away from Jack.  This will be the first time we'll be separated for so long and so far.  Sam's been fussing over small details of the trip, and I'm starting to feel like a dairy cow trying to add to Jack's stockpile of milk in the freezer.  After our four day trip I'll be returning home with a pretty large stash of milk and I'm praying the TSA don't hassle us about it, especially after reading stories like this and this.  If you have any tips or advice please let me know.

We'll leave you with a photo of our family room courtesy of Dri-Rite and KB Homes.  One step closer to a wood floor!



  1. Kristen, I've been following Sam's journey and have been keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers. I may be able to help with some contacts at the NIH. Here is my email:

  2. Hey Guys...someone sent me this website and told me to "catch up"! I can't believe all that has gone on since I have spoken to the two of you...You guys know how much I care for you both and I will be keeping all of you in my thoughts and prayers. I need to meet Jack, asap before you guys totally screw him up with all that gator crap...

  3. That is fabulous news!!! Can't wait to hear how it goes!
