
Monday, November 28, 2011

Movin' On Up!

Sam was released from the hospital on Saturday, and he's feeling very fatigued. Though, considering he was given enough chemo to put a small woman into a coma, overall he's doing exceptionally well. I was glad I was able to stay with him in the hospital, but we were surprised to learn that Sloan-Kettering has semi-private rooms and only 2 sleeping chairs available for guests on each floor. It was an OK stay,and probably would have been a little more restful if his roommate didn't snore so loud and insist on sleeping with all of the lights on.

But on to the good part. During Sam's hospital stay, I came across an ad for a 3bed/3bath apartment on the Upper East Side, a few blocks from Memorial Sloan-Kettering. It was wildly out of our price range, but I thought I might just send them an offer of what we could afford along with a message explaining our situation. Praise the Lord, it just so happens the apartment owners are some of the most compassionate, generous people on earth. They not only offered up clothes, toys, food, and rides to Sam's appointments, but they're letting us stay in the apartment for a fraction of what we offered! Nuts, right? We're still in shock. Oh, and did I mention one of those bedrooms is a nursery? I can't convey how much of a relief it is to have both my son and husband in such a perfect place, in such close proximity to the hospital. I feel like I can finally breathe again. We obviously still have a long road in front of us, but I can't think of a better place to stop and rest. Andy and Alison Brettschneider, from the very bottom of my heart, thank you.

And thank you, too, to our NYC friends who have generously offered clothes, meals and play dates for Jack (a good thing because he's already bored with our company!). You all are amazing and we look forward to seeing everyone soon.

Oh, and our new address is 205 East 76th Street Apt.4 NY, NY 10021. We'll be here at least until 12/20. Maybe longer.


  1. best of luck!!! andy and alison are truly special, but they tell us you are too!

  2. Sam and Kristen,
    Mike and I have you in our thoughts and prayers.


    I can't believe you are already married and a father...where has time gone? Your former (also old) 8th grade English teacher! You were great then, and it is obvious that you are still a fantastic and strong person--we hope to meet Kristen some day soon, too--
    Take care--
    fondly, Cathie
