
Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year

We'd like to wish all of our friends and family a very Happy New Year!  Sam and I went out for an amazing dinner, but found ourselves in the back of an ambulance at midnight after Sam had one too many dirty martinis (seven to be exact).  And since Sloan-Kettering won't receive ambulance traffic we ended up having to hail a cab.  Not an easy task in Manhattan on New Year's Eve.  It's such a crazy system that really needs to be rethought.  But we finally made it, and after lots of fluids, potassium and nausea medication (and a few lectures from the medical staff) we were headed home.  We spent New Year's day relaxing at home and cooked up this yummy soup.

Still no word on a donor.  Thank you so, so much to everyone who has sent away for a kit.  We know some of you tried and, for one reason or another, weren't qualified to donate.  You all are amazing, and we appreciate all your efforts.  Sam has a PET scan on January 4th to see if this chemo has worked.  We will let you know as soon as we hear anything.

But on to the exciting news...we are now the proud aunt and uncle to a beautiful, healthy niece!  Sam's brother, Rob, and his wife, Tiffany, welcomed Isabella Rosemary into the world on December 29.  She's absolutely perfect, and we are very excited to meet her when we get home.  Your turn Ralna Reel!  Waiting and praying for some good news soon :)  Happy New Year everyone!

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