
Thursday, March 29, 2012

Transplant Day -5

The countdown continues.  Sam's been going back and forth to radiation 3 times a day.  It's tiring for him and he looks like he's been in a tanning bed for far too long, but overall he's handling it all very well.  We've been placing bets on what Xmen superpower he will have after all this radiation.  A few of Sam's favorite nurses from other floors and buildings have tracked him down to come say hello (and to make sure he's eating, drinking and moving).  It makes such a big difference in his day to get to see some familiar faces. 

Here are some pictures from the week.

Sam's new high power pump

They're very serious about germs.

The view from his room.

Our photo wall.  Sometimes the doctors and nurses get so distracted looking at our pictures they forget all about Sam.

A music therapist stopped by to sing a little John Denver and Otis Redding.

Walking the halls with his awesome physical therapist.

Sam doesn't have much of an appetite, but sometimes I can get him to suck down one of Jack's chia fruit pouches.

Thank you again to everyone for sending their support and love.  Please know that we are grateful to all of you even if we don't have the chance to respond individually.  We really cannot express how much it means. Many of you are asking what you can send.  DVDs, puzzles, things to pass the time and keep Sam's mind sharp are greatly appreciated.  He can't eat outside food, and they won't let any plants or flowers into the room.  Thanks again!

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