
Friday, March 16, 2012

We're going to transplant...for real this time!!

We just got word that they've scheduled Sam to be admitted for transplant on March 26!  This is very exciting news.  As it turns out, all three of his perfect matches ended up backing out for one reason or another.  The good news is that we still have a donor, and though she may be a partial match (9 out of 10), we hear she's very excited about the whole process and has been wanting to donate from the very beginning of the search.  Because we're moving forward with a partial match, his team has tweaked their strategy, modifying their drug choices and now being super cautious and conservative with their graft-versus-host prevention plan.  They keep reminding us that his previous treatments have been the playoffs and we're about to go to the Super Bowl.  We say bring it! 


  1. thinking and praying for you guys always

  2. I will be thinking and praying for Sam on Monday. Thank you for your blog posts and for keeping everyone updated. Big hugs!

  3. This is such good news! Michael and I have you and your family in our thoughts and prayers.

    Keep those Tripson sprits up--Super Bowl, here you come!
