
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Day +1 Morning

Sam is doing much better this morning!!  His doctors came in as he was eating a cheese omelette and they were completely blown away.  They really just stood there and stared at him for a bit.  And, of course, you know Sam- "So how are ya'll this mornin'?" 

His blood counts have completely bottomed out (this is actually a good thing) so he won't be leaving his room for a while.  We got in some exercises and he peddled for a bit on his bike.  He'll be getting some blood and platelets later on.  Thank you so very much for all of the love. 


  1. Kristen~~A favor~~next time you take a picture or video of Sam on the bike can you zoom in a little bit, some of us are trying to sneak a peek! Much appreciate...thanks!

  2. This makes me so happy! I woke up and was so sad to hear his night was awful! om nom nom sam sam

    1. Me too. Hope we have many more mornings like this one.

  3. Woo hoo!!!!!! Keep on fighting!!!!!

    1. You know it! We have the BEST cheering section! And thank heaven for wonderful nurses. They make all the difference in the world :)

  4. Seeing you go through this from afar is rough. I think about you often and wish you and Kristen the best of days. You have always been one hell of a guy and I'm sure this is only making you a stronger better man. Love ya buddy!
