
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Day +15

The ultrasound results came back negative for vod (fantastic!!), but did show his gallbladder was enlarged with several gallstones and "sludge".  They said this can happen when patients aren't eating (Sam hasn't eaten in over a week), and the TPN (liquid nutrition) he's been getting can actually make it worse.  His doctors weren't sure if it should be left alone, drained or removed altogether so they called up the surgical team for their opinion.  The thought of a possible surgery or having a drain placed in his stomach at this point was a bit much for Sam, and this morning was one of his lowest points through this whole cancer journey.  The surgical team finally got up here and told us they foresee this clearing up on it's own when he starts eating again and is taken off of the TPN.  To say he was thrilled would be an enormous understatement.  He ordered some chicken noodle soup and a grilled cheese sandwich and ate every bite.  Because he tolerated the food so well they're taking down the TPN tonight, and also lowering the basal rate of his pain pump.  Two big steps towards being sent home!     


  1. Way to go My Handsome Kojak! Keep up the good work! We are praying hard for you guys! Love ya!

  2. Brings tears to my eyes. SO SO happy. Love you.
