
Thursday, January 3, 2013

Happy New Year Day +274

Happy new year, friends. We hope you and your families had a wonderful holiday. We had a lovely day, but to be perfectly honest, December was a hard month for us. Sam has been feeling terrible for weeks, and after a recent trip to Moffitt, we learned he's been experiencing some signs of chronic graft versus host disease. His mouth is filled with sores and his ankles are swollen and throbbing. He has stubborn, angry boils on his back and chest, his joints are stiff and sore, and he's beyond exhausted at the end of every day. He's still keeping up his full time work schedule, though I'm really not sure how right now. I usually like to keep things upbeat around here, but I know some of you reading this are also post-transplant, and I don't want you thinking it's all sunshine and rainbows over here. How can it be when you go to bed feeling crumby and wake up feeling even worse? His doctors have changed up his meds, so hopefully that will bring some relief within the next week. Until then, there's Oxycodone. And prayers. Lots and lots of prayers.

Here are a few photos from Christmas morning...

loves his new tricycle

thanks Fontaines!

I bought Sam a new dresser I found on clearance at IKEA. Seemed like such a good idea at the time.

watching Mickey


  1. Thinking of you and praying for your happy, beautiful family! Hoping beyond hope this is a blip on the radar and Sam will be feeling better in no time! Miss you!

    1. Thanks Meredith. Me too! Good to hear from you. Hope you're feeling well and getting plenty of rest. Miss you too :)
