
Friday, March 15, 2013

Meet Baby Waylon

Hello friends. I just wanted to take a minute to introduce you to a very special little boy. Meet Waylon Robert Butler.

He's an incredibly smart baby, listens intently to everything you say, and adores Mickey Mouse. He's the son of our good friends, Will and Lauren Butler. Here they are at Waylon's baptism.

Some of you might remember them from our wedding.

Waylon was recently diagnosed with Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) Type 1, a genetic disease for which there is no cure.  Obviously, their world has been turned upside down. There is currently a fundraising effort going on to help with some of their growing medical bills. Sam and I are selling raffle tickets for a weekend Hog Hunt out at Barthle Brothers Ranch. Tickets are $20 each or 8 for $100. If you donate $100 you'll also get a handmade pie courtesy of Tripson Pie Co. This could be yours...

So please email, facebook, call or text Sam or me if you're interested. Every dollar helps. And please, please keep this beautiful family in your prayers.

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