
Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Another Hospital Stay. My Turn.

my expertly placed iv
So now I guess it's my turn. I was admitted to the hospital Sunday afternoon after experiencing mild contractions about 10 minutes apart and feeling lots of pressure in my lower abdomen- very alarming at 24 weeks pregnant. I really didn't want to go in, but I also didn't want to be irresponsible with the life of our baby. They gave me iv fluids and medication to stop the contractions. According to the nurses, I'm a 1/2 centimeter dilated. The baby is doing great, kicking and moving like crazy. It was just an overnight stay, and I'm back home with instructions to drink LOTS of water, slow down and take it easy. Sam, of course, is very worried and, if you ask me, getting a little too comfortable with his new "caregiver" role- taking a little too much pleasure in ordering me around and making decisions for our family. I keep asking him "Is this what I do to you!?". His response is always an emphatic "YES!!".

Though I certainly would have preferred none of this to have happened, one of the hidden blessings was having a "trial run" before the big day in February. I think we were completely caught off guard by how emotional it was to be back in labor and delivery. When I was being admitted, I looked down and realized I was wearing the same exact outfit the night I went into labor with Jack- the same day we learned about Sam's cancer. As they were wheeling me up to the floor, all the fear/excitement/anxiety came flooding back. I'm not sure we've completely processed how traumatic that experience truly was. I'm not sure we ever will. But I'm glad we got to revisit and acknowledge some of those emotions and feelings, and hopefully work through some things before this baby's arrival.

So. Until then. We'll be laying low for awhile. You probably won't see me chasing Jack around the park anytime soon, and I'll probably be cooking with my crockpot and watching way more Thomas videos than I'd like. And speaking of crockpots- please feel free to send me your family's favorite slow cooker recipes. My collection is dismal and I'm always on the lookout.


  1. You guys are so tough! Glad to hear things aren't progressing anymore. Maybe you can wear headphones and play some relaxing music while Thomas is on ?! :)

    I just made this crockpot potato soup yesterday and it was easy. Perfect for a cold night and Adelyn ate a whole bowl full.

    1. Headphones during Thomas! Love it. I'm just thankful he's not into Yo Gabba Gabba. Can. You. Imagine!?!? I would go nuts.

      Thanks for the soup recipe! I will try it out soon. I definitely married a soup man, and Jack's a happy camper as long as there's "cheesy toast" to dunk. Please keep me in mind if you come across anything else.

  2. Thinking about you! I have some slow cooker recipes and will email them to you. Big hugs!
