
Thursday, January 9, 2014

Happy New Year, Friends!

What a crazy few weeks. Forgive me for keeping you all out of the loop. In early December, we found out Sam had some enlarged lymph nodes in his neck that were troubling his doctor. Moffitt scheduled a PET scan two days before Christmas to take a closer look. Not wanting to alarm anyone, we decided not to say anything. The results came back negative for cancer, though Moffitt wanted to surgically remove them and have them biopsied just to be sure. But after consulting with his previous transplant doctor at Sloan-Kettering, the decision was made to leave them be and reevaluate the situation in three months. Personally, I want them removed, but it's not my body and ultimately Sam made the final decision. This is me stepping back. A new phase in "caregiving" for me, and not always easy.

Regardless of all the distractions, we actually did have a great holiday. Sam finished up his infusion on Christmas Day to treat his pseudomonas, and was really beginning to feel better. On New Year's Day, though, he started running a high fever which led to a 6 day hospital stay. Fearing infection, they removed the PICC line, but in the end, it turned out to be a bad case of RSV. Yes, the respiratory virus typically seen in small children and infants. Of all the illnesses to catch right now. He's been released, and is getting home infusions every 12 hours. Hopefully the virus clears soon. As of today, I'm 36 weeks pregnant. I delivered Jack at 37 weeks, which, I know, may not mean anything, but we have to at least consider the possibility.

So that's what's been going on. I've been having a terrible time trying to string coherent sentences together so, again, please forgive me for the delay.

And thank you, so very much, for taking the time to read this little blog and continuing to follow us on our journey. Like so many of you, we are so excited for what 2014 has in store for our family. Happy New Year, Friends!

a little jello on new year's day

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