
Monday, August 22, 2011

Gainesville Trip

Wednesday will be a busy day.  Sam has a CT scan and Jack has his 6 month checkup.  We'll let you all know how everything goes.  Until then, here are a few pictures from our Gainesville trip this past weekend.  It was a quick trip, and we knew we wouldn't get to see everyone so we prioritized our visits by age.  Jack did very well, though I can't say I'm looking forward to another road trip any time soon.  Traveling with an infant is exhausting.

In Alachua with CB Freeman

 Lunch with Roger and Ellen West

A quick stop by AGR

Dinner with the Burgs and Feinbergs

And the jello mold I was convinced would travel well (it didn't)


  1. Trey and I really loved these pictures! We miss y'all and love you lots!

  2. We miss and love you too! We were wishing you were there with us. Hope to see you soon. Have Trey call Sam when he gets a chance...lots going on.
