
Thursday, September 8, 2011

Chemo- Take II

The results of Sam's final ct scan came back, and, unfortunately, were not what we were hoping for.  The cancer is still there, and some of the tumors have grown.  The chemo appears to have stopped working after the first few rounds.  We met with his doctor over at Moffitt yesterday where she explained what she thinks happened, how his type of lymphoma is a bit more complex than they initially thought, and laid out several new treatment options.  He'll be starting a new type of chemo soon which will be administered every 2 weeks, and will be more potent than the first one.  They hope to have him in remission after just two rounds, but will let him complete up to four rounds before switching gears to a new treatment.  Once he's in remission he'll then undergo an autologous stem cell transplant.

Obviously, this is not what we were wanting to hear, but we're thankful to still have so many treatment options.  All of this also coincides with a new job opportunity for Sam within Helena, which may have to be put on hold for a few months.  We'll continue to pray about it, and would like to thank everyone for being so incredibly supportive.

On a happier note, Jack is doing great!  At his recent 6 month check up he measured average in weight and was off the charts in length.  He's also almost crawling, and we've added avocados and roasted butternut squash to our list of favorite foods.

1 comment:

  1. I swear if being a good person went hand in hand with health, your family would be in tip top condition. I wish there was something I could do to help out with the 'new-mommy' part of life. Maybe I could drop of dinners on Fridays after play dates? I don't know if my cooking would compare to yours but atleast it would be a night you don't have to leave your boys to cook. Let me know and we'll be in touch. Or maybe watch Jack while YOU take a nap?! Take care the best you can.- Fontaine's
