
Friday, November 18, 2011

Here we go

We scheduled an early appointment with Dr. Matasar this morning to discuss our game plan before our flight home. The doctor was very concerned by the results of the pet scan, and squeezed Sam in for another lymph node biopsy this afternoon since the last one was inconclusive. It doesn't look like we'll be coming home any time soon, and if all goes as planned we'll be spending Thanksgiving in the hospital. This has been an exhausting trip for Sam, much different from our last trip to the city. He hasn't been able to walk around at all, and I have to force him to eat. They were hesitant to even do the biopsy since he's running a fever of 103.8, but thought postponing it would be worse. He's in very good spirits though and continues to charm his way through the nursing staff. These nurses up here get quite a kick out of his size and accent. I'm sitting right outside his door as I type this and can hear he's got them giggling. Lord only knows what he's saying since he's slightly sedated. He most definitely is his father's son.

We are absolutely heart sick that we'll be missing not only the benefit, but Jack and Carrie's wedding as well. Sam wanted me to let everyone know that he sends his love and can't wait to catch up with everyone when he's better. And a big thanks to Amanda Nettboy for letting us stay in her super sweet East Village apartment. It's so comforting to be surrounded by books, gator stuff and baking supplies. just like home. only much more organized. Thank you! you saved us a bundle.


  1. So happy you found a "home" for your stay! We'll be home in Florida from tomorrow through next Saturday (let us know if you need me to bring anything one way or the other!!) and hopefully I can treat you to a meal or a babysitting while you're here! Love to you all.

  2. My heart pours out to you! Tell Sam I will be taking pic front he benefit for him. I miss him so much. If you need ANYTHING please let me know. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

  3. Sending lots of long distance love and good vibes your way.

  4. Chelsey- Our "home" is temporary as she returns after Thanksgiving, but still a blessing. We both look forward to seeing you! Hopefully we'll get to venture over to Brooklyn.

    Dawn, thanks for taking pictures! We're so bummed we'll be missing so many loved ones. He misses you too, but don't worry. He'll be back to work in no time.

    Brittany, thank you sweet girl. I've been thinking about you so much lately as your due date approaches. Love and good vibes right back to you mama.

  5. I know you don't know me I went to school with Cindy and I know Hildi and Tiffany and Rob,I have been praying for you and your family and will continue to do so I hope you have a blessed Thanksgiving and know that their are a lot of people praying. God speed to you both.

    Wanda Butler
    Daytona Beach,Fl

  6. I just wanted to let Sam know that the BIshop Family is praying for him! My family farmed his grandfather's dairy for over 12 years, and I have known him since I was two! He knows that my baby sister had bone cancer twice, and is now healthy...I know that God will do his good work on your family's life. Keep strong for him and your sweet baby boy!!
