
Sunday, November 13, 2011

Sunday Update

The results of Sam's lymph node biopsy came back "inconclusive".  We are still waiting for word on the bone marrow biopsy.  Dr. Matasar requested Sam return for a PET scan so we'll be leaving next week for NYC, but we'll be back in town by Friday and plan on being at the benefit.  We can't proceed with the next treatment until we're 100% certain we know what we're dealing with.  It's extremely frustrating because all of Sam's lymphoma symptoms have returned.

Just a recap, Sam was re-diagnosed with T-cell rich B-cell lymphoma (TCRBCL) in mid-August.  It's a rare variant of the more common diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL).  Sam's recovery will be a two step process.  First, finding a chemo that works and second, getting through the allogeneic stem cell transplant.  While the next round of chemo will involve a 4-6 week stay in NYC, the transplant will be even more intense, requiring a 3-4 month stay.  Because it is such a risky procedure, we obviously want him at the best possible transplant facility.  We're looking at M.D. Anderson in Houston, the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston, Memorial Sloan-Kettering in NYC, and Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa.

This is all so mind-boggling and, honestly, quite overwhelming.  It's taken me all week to try to put some coherent sentences together to create this post.  Please bear with me if I'm slow getting back to your emails/messages/calls/texts.  I appreciate all of your words and am looking forward to seeing everyone soon! 

Here are a few pictures from the baby costume parade for those of you who aren't on facebook.  We dressed Jack up as baby Elvis.

1 comment:

  1. Love you,Twin! Beautiful pictures. Still praying for y'all.
