
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Busy Week

We had a great week catching up with visiting friends and family.  It was the perfect distraction as we wait for Sam's upcoming scan.   We wandered around like tourists exploring a new side of Central Park, visiting the MOMA, eating in delis (minus the fun sandwiches) and Irish pubs (minus the fun drinks), and sitting in on a taping of The Daily Show (thank you Stephen Hoover!).  Did you catch Tuesday's episode with Liam Neeson and Stephen Colbert?  We were there!

All of this fun may have caught up with Sam.  As I type this, we're sitting in Urgent Care.  His blood counts have been very low for the past few days and he was given two rounds of platelets over the weekend.  Right now he's getting another round of platelets and they will be taking him back to scan his brain for any bleeding.  This is just a precaution since he's been dizzy and suffering from persistent headaches.  They don't expect to find anything, but we'll definitely be taking it easy over the next few days.

Thank you to everyone working behind the scenes in UF's Greek Marrow for Tomorrow Challenge, especially Michael-Brianne Pressley for dreaming it up, Charlotte Tripson for your awesome shirt design and all of our brothers and sisters of Alpha Gamma Rho and Delta Zeta.  You can go here for more information or contact your chapter representative.

A few pictures from the week-
Milk and Yo Gabba Gabba

 Catching up with Uncle Rob

 Fun with Dave and Brittany