
Friday, January 13, 2012


Sam went in for his third round of Augmented ICE on Tuesday afternoon, and was released last night around midnight.  Everything went very well.  He's been pretty tired all day, but we were able to get out for a short walk.  He has another scan scheduled for February 1.  Until then we're just here, hanging out.  Like many of you, we have given our pantry and fridge a complete overhaul.  Stay tuned for some healthy, feel good recipes.

And thanks again to everyone who made my birthday so special, especially Alison and Andy Brettschneider.  I've been telling Sam for years that I wanted to spend my 30th in NYC.  The lengths he'll go to keep me happy...

Here are a few pictures from the day.   

1 comment:

  1. Sam,

    Michael and I have been thinking about you for months, and I am so sorry it is taking me so long to comment here. We would love to meet Kristen and your wonderful baby sometime, but in the meantime, we'll write to the NYC address.

    I see your Mom at her store, and we catch up with her. I am going to look into being a donor--or whatever you might need at this point.

    We are in Gainesville for a "vacation" visiting Eric and his wife (Jennifer)and will be back to Vero on Monday eve.

    Good luck on the Feb 1 scan, and Happy 30th to Kristen--in New York, no less!

    Love to you and Kristen, and we'll be in touch soon--Cathie Ziegler
