
Saturday, April 21, 2012

Day +18

Sam had more vomiting, intestinal issues and stomach cramping last night which convinced his doctors that this is most likely gvhd.  Because early detection and treatment can literally be a matter of life and death, I was relieved to hear they will start treatment today instead of waiting for Monday's tests.  Since his donor was a mismatched female who has had multiple pregnancies, he was at a much greater risk for this to happen.  So we'll start treatment today and continue to pray that he gets better.

In the meantime, we have some people to thank.  David and Laurel Maddox, thank you so much for your funny, thoughtful care package.  You certainly know Sam!  Dr. Lehtola, we can't tell you how much we love and appreciate the beautiful gifts.  If I had known you were such a talented seamstress, I would have solicited sewing lessons instead of goofing off all those years at Frazier Rogers.  Cody Welchons, the movies are perfect.  Thank you so much.  We love you!  A big thank you to Jeannette Bimonte and all of Sam's AGR brothers who helped create and distribute these cool gator wristbands to support Sam.  Cancer is GATOR BAIT!  Love it!

And a super huge thank you to Judy Graves!  Remember that storm that came through Vero Beach in early October?  It left our family room looking like this-

Well, over 6 months later and it still looks like this!  On top of everything going on up here, we've been trying to track down all responsible parties to get this fixed.  Not really sure why we pay so much money every year to Justine Rodgers Signature Insurance, but I suppose that's a topic for another day.  The fact that Sam can't be around any new construction for 3 months after transplant brings a new sense of urgency to the project.  If, after everything, our trip home was postponed because of this, things might get a little ugly.  Thank the lord, Judy Graves stepped in and after one brilliantly worded letter, our house will be fixed by the end of the month.  If you find yourself in a pickle, she's definitely the lawyer to call.  772-257-5079

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