
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Day +21

Sam is doing great!  The steroids they put him on over the weekend really seemed to help calm his belly.  He had an upper and lower endoscopy done yesterday afternoon, and the preliminary results show all is clear up top, and mild inflammation in the lower GI tract.  We should have official results by the end of the week.  They will be tapering off his meds (including the steroids) and will begin transitioning some to pill form.  Still no definite discharge date, but they said if all continues to go well we may be out of here by the end of the week.  I know!  Can you believe it!?

Here's a recap of the past few days.

Restricted diet to help calm his belly.  Plain pasta and boiled potatoes.

Prepping for endoscopy. 

Back to his normal, low microbial diet.  An angel of a nurse slipped us a pediatric menu.  Yes, those are PB&J stars and chicken fingers.   

And a belgian waffle for breakfast.

taking down the pain pump!!

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