
Monday, April 9, 2012

Day +6

Sam's liver counts have been elevated for the past few days so his doctors have been keeping a close watch and trying to bring them down by adjusting some of his meds.  They sent him down for an ultrasound this afternoon so we should have some answers by tomorrow.  

Other than that, things have been pretty uneventful since the night of the transplant.  He's just dealing with the after effects of all of that radiation and chemo and, of course, the exhaustion of his body rebooting itself.  He has all sorts of crumby side effects, but thankfully, with the help of some very powerful drugs, he doesn't have to fully experience them.  They monitor his blood counts daily.  Hopefully those new cells are busy setting up permanent residence in Sam's bone marrow.  This phase, called "engraftment", will likely start 2-4 weeks after transplant, and is signified by a white blood cell count of 0.4 K/mcL.    

Here are his counts so far.


  1. Wow, looks like it is coming up! Prayers are with you both! Kristen you need to take care of yourself also! You looked very thin yesterday in the shoulders and neck! Take some ensure or something! Hugs to both of you and lots of prayers! Love Granma Cindy!
