
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Day +7

We had another uneventful day.  His white blood cell count is still 0.1.  Results from the ultrasound came back clear, but since his liver levels remain high the doctors have made further adjustments to his gvhd meds.  This initially made me very nervous.  In my non-medical mind I want him to get the strongest, fullest doses of any and every drug that could prevent gvhd.  But because his medical team took, in their words, an "all guns blazing" approach to Sam's transplant regimen there were bound to be some adjustments made along the way.  So this is where we put our trust in the doctors we've chosen.  Not always an easy thing to do, no matter how awesome they are.  And even though I have pictures up all around the room, I still have an overwhelming urge every morning when they make their rounds to remind them of our 1 year old back home who very much needs us both.

Sam slept for most of the day.  Day +7 through +11 are supposedly the worst, though Sam's doctors told him he was the best Day +7 they'd ever seen.  After that he humored me with a few exercises and even put together a little lego model.

Thank you for all of the continued love, support, prayers and thoughtful care packages.  We love reading your words, and the staff here is blown away by all of our supporters.  Toccoa Graves- that box was insane!!  Thank you so much!

Sam's project for the day...

which he finished in 5 minutes :)


  1. Love & Prayers for both of you!

  2. Kristen and Sam, we are thinking about you all the time... and are praying for you everyday!!! Love always Rob and Heather.
