
Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Day +64

Sam is still in the hospital, but he's feeling much better. No more fevers, his blood pressure is stable, and he's eating and drinking again like a champ. He's the youngest, healthiest patient the ICU team has seen in a long time. We continue to wait for a transfer to another floor, but it's not looking very promising since the whole hospital seems to be full. Our trip back home is going to have to be postponed since they want to monitor him a little while longer, and have him complete at least 2 more weeks of antibiotics. I know it's just a few more weeks, but being so far from Jack, it feels like they said a few more years. It's most definitely an exercise in faith and patience. When I really start feeling sorry for myself I go sit in the ICU waiting room with families who won't be taking their loved ones home with them. Kind of puts everything back into perspective. We'll be moving over to Hope Lodge on the 15th which should be a new adventure. Keep you posted.

a few favorites from last year...

1 comment:

  1. Kristen,
    We are not friends, in fact I don't think we have ever met. I took an AOM class with Sam at Florida (I'm pretty sure he helped Melissa Raburn and I pass). I read your blog regularly and am amazed by your strength, but more so by your grace. As a fellow wife you continue to teach me so much about what it truly means to be a spouse. Thank you Kristen and Sam.

    Much Love,
    Amy Guevara
