
Monday, June 11, 2012

Day +69 Out of the Hospital!

Sam has finally been released from the hospital. Leaving the floor, he caused quite a stir since it's a rare occurrence for a patient to be directly discharged from the ICU.  He's feeling much better and we'll be spending the week prepping and packing for our move across town to Hope Lodge. We are excited since it's one more step towards home.

Please keep the Lindsey family in your prayers as Lynn undergoes surgery this week for a rare and aggressive type of breast cancer. Like so many of you, they are an incredible family who have been our champions from the very beginning. Though we're saddened by the news, we have no doubt Lynn will come through this journey with a clearer mind and stronger body. Many prayers for healing and peace.

Day 5 in the ICU

Sam's new PICC line (Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter)

Two of the many IVs they had going. No fun at all.

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