
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

goodbye sweet boy

As told by Waylon's parents:

"Let the children come to me, and not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these." Mark 10:12

Waylon has gone home to his Father in Heaven. We were blessed to watch over one of God's children for a short time. Our son was surrounded by unending love and devotion. We can't thank our family and friends enough for their love and devotion to us and to Waylon throughout these last six months. Please pray for all the families and for Waylon.
We will celebrate his life on Friday, 11am at Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Okeechobee. At 10 am we will receive family and friends.
Will and Lauren

If you are still interested in helping the family, please don't hesitate to contact Sam or me. Here is a link to more information.

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