
Friday, April 5, 2013

Day +365!!

Wednesday, April 3 marked one whole year since Sam's stem cell transplant at Memorial Sloan-Kettering. Though our vision for the day (relaxing somewhere beautiful with Jack) and the reality of the day (long and grueling with plenty of pokes and prods) could not have been further off, it's A-OK because we just got the news that everything looks GREAT and Sam continues to be disease free!! if that wasn't enough. We were also given the paperwork that will put us in contact with our donor! The National Marrow Donor Program prohibits donors and recipients from meeting until at least a year post-transplant. We are beyond excited to have the chance to personally thank the woman who's done so much for our family. And thank you ALL for supporting us every step of the way.

Remember this? What a difference a year can make.