
Thursday, August 22, 2013

Back in the Hospital

Sam started feeling bad Tuesday afternoon, and when he spiked a 102 fever we headed to the ER. He has been getting chemo again to help offset some of the gvhd complications that have been becoming more and more of an issue over the past few months. He's still in remission though, still completely cancer-free, but his doctors thought he would benefit from 4 rounds of Rituxan. He handled the first round OK. His counts dropped, but he rebounded fine. His second round was two weeks ago, and all was going well until late Tuesday. They're fairly certain that whatever is going on is the result of his suppressed immune system. We keep reminding ourselves we've walked through much worse, and whether it's an infection of some sort or viral meningitis- we've been there before. We should know more over the next few days. IRMC may not be Sloan-Kettering, but we thank God for Dr. McGarry and an awesome team of nurses. And thank you so much for all of your prayers and words of encouragement. It definitely makes a world of difference when you're stuck in a hospital room. Hopefully I'll have more to report soon.


  1. Thinking of you guys! Love, the Dublins

  2. thinking of you guys!! Sending up prayers. Sending the angels to watch over you guys!!! See you soon!!!

  3. Heidi- Thank you ;) Hope you all are well!

    Kym- Thank you so much! We need them! See you very soon I hope.

  4. Thinking of you and praying for a quick recovery... so much for an uneventful pregnancy huh?

    Praying for your family.

    The Mace Family

  5. Ha! Right, Amanda!? Goodness. Thank you so much. Maybe we'll see you guys again at the next Food Truck event?
