
Saturday, August 24, 2013

Pneumonia and RSV

The tests have come back, and Sam has pneumonia. They also told us this morning that he tested positive for Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV). This can present as the common cold in most adults and children, but can make babies and the immune-compromised very ill. I know many of you have asked about visiting Sam, but we'd really like you to think twice about it, especially if you have small children at home. Also, if you're sick or feel like you might be getting sick, I'm asking you to please be cautious when you're around Sam for the next few months while he finishes these last rounds of chemo. I know we can't control everything, but since I have Sam, Jack and now this new baby on the way to worry about, I'm sure going to give it my best shot.

Sam has been feeling a little better today. He hasn't had a fever yet, and he actually ate some bites of toast for breakfast. We had to tease him last night when his night nurse came in with his Coumadin as I was trying to get him to drink his chocolate Ensure. Poor Sam. Thank you again for all of your wonderful support (especially Amelia Graves for the Chelsea's delivery and Sarah Starr for the delicious risotto- wow, I need that recipe!)


Thanks Ben & Courtney Ellis for the delicious strawberries from Sheri's Berries!

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