
Saturday, October 5, 2013

A New Adventure: Admitted to Moffitt

Sam was admitted to Moffitt yesterday afternoon. We've visited the clinic countless times for outpatient appointments, but this is his first overnight stay. As many of you know, he's been sick for weeks. He was running a fever all day long during our appointment here on Wednesday, though they went ahead with his scheduled tests and scans. We got the results back that same day- still in remission!- though he definitely still has pneumonia and now the rhinovirus. We were sent home with some new antibiotics and instructions for controlling Sam's fever. Yesterday, they called and asked if we could please drive back over to have Sam admitted. Frustrating. But ultimately, we're trying to stay focused on getting Sam better. And that long drive over was a great opportunity to talk about how much his current work schedule is *not* working for our family. Well, I guess I did most of the talking. But in all seriousness, 10 hour work days, in between hospital stays, are just no longer an option. We'll be here through the weekend. And likely beyond, though we're trying not to think about that. One day at a time. Yay for remission!! And Go Gators!!    


  1. YAY FOR REMISSION INDEED!!! We are praying for you guys.

  2. Yay for remission and Nay for the work schedule, I am here for you and to help build hid immune system up whenever you guys are ready <3
