
Wednesday, October 2, 2013

My {Current} Favorite Pregnancy Workout

Sam and I have a full day at Moffitt today. He's been really sick for the past few weeks so hopefully we'll leave with some answers and an effective treatment plan. Usually days like today include an extraordinary amount of time just sitting around waiting. So. While I wait, I thought I'd post about something new. We've covered cancer, food, and parenting. It's time for a pregnancy post don't ya think? Specifically, my attempts to stay "fit" during pregnancy.

Now, I am all about exercising and staying active while I'm pregnant. Nothing too extreme. I've miscarried in the past, so I tend to avoid anything too jarring or harsh on my body. I know some women train for races, lift heavy weights, and pretty much go about their business like there isn't another human being occupying their body, but not me. I tend toward more gentler workouts and swimming/walking routines. I love exercise dvds- pregnant or not- and have amassed quite a collection. My current favorite is Tracy Anderson's Pregnancy Project. It's a set of 9 dvds- a new workout for each month of pregnancy- and was filmed in real time during her last pregnancy. It's an awesome combo of stretches and light weight work (she never lifts more than 3 lbs) which might sound mild, but always leaves me sweating and pleasantly exhausted. And I love how the workouts change for each stage of your pregnancy. The first three months focus on just getting you moving and work through any nausea you may be experiencing. I'm on Month 5 right now where she steps it up a bit, focusing on strengthening your arms and butt. The last three workouts are focused on opening your hips and staying strong to prepare for delivery. Each one is about 30-40 minutes so it's never overwhelming. When Sam is home and feeling well he'll do it with me, and Jack has become well acquainted with "Tracy". Every morning he asks me, "Is mama gonna do her exercises?". Every. Morning. My weekly workout typically shakes out to be 3-4 dvd workouts and 6 miles of walking. I'm still gaining weight like a champ, but I feel amazing. If you're pregnant, thinking about getting pregnant or need a great gift for someone who is pregnant- consider this dvd set. 

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