
Friday, January 27, 2012

Green Eggs, No Ham

Sam is doing great.  His counts were still very low yesterday so he got his 3rd round of platelets this week.  They assured us this was completely normal at this stage of treatment.     

Jack is great too.  He has his 12th tooth coming in, but oddly enough he's been sleeping like a champ.  For the last two nights he's slept 11 hours straight!  If you told me this would ever be possible in those first three months when he would only sleep 1.5 hours at a time I would have thought you were insane.

I know this is hardly a recipe, but I thought I'd share it anyway since it's become one of Jack's favorite things both to eat and play with.  I love it because it's easy to make and fits for breakfast, lunch or dinner.  It works plain or with any finely chopped, cooked veggie you have on hand.  A few tablespoons of puree would work great too.

Mini Green Egg Omelette

2 egg yolks
a splash of whole milk or water
1-2 tablespoons of chopped, cooked veggies (spinach, zucchini, get it)
olive oil

Heat a small frying pan over medium low heat and coat with a very thin layer of olive oil.  I find it easiest to brush it on.  Whisk up your egg yolks with milk or water and pour into preheated pan to form a neat little pancake shape.  Sprinkle veggies over the whole thing.  Cook until it's nearly set, then  flip.  Cook a little longer and remove from heat.  Roll up and slice, or just tear the whole thing into pieces.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Busy Week

We had a great week catching up with visiting friends and family.  It was the perfect distraction as we wait for Sam's upcoming scan.   We wandered around like tourists exploring a new side of Central Park, visiting the MOMA, eating in delis (minus the fun sandwiches) and Irish pubs (minus the fun drinks), and sitting in on a taping of The Daily Show (thank you Stephen Hoover!).  Did you catch Tuesday's episode with Liam Neeson and Stephen Colbert?  We were there!

All of this fun may have caught up with Sam.  As I type this, we're sitting in Urgent Care.  His blood counts have been very low for the past few days and he was given two rounds of platelets over the weekend.  Right now he's getting another round of platelets and they will be taking him back to scan his brain for any bleeding.  This is just a precaution since he's been dizzy and suffering from persistent headaches.  They don't expect to find anything, but we'll definitely be taking it easy over the next few days.

Thank you to everyone working behind the scenes in UF's Greek Marrow for Tomorrow Challenge, especially Michael-Brianne Pressley for dreaming it up, Charlotte Tripson for your awesome shirt design and all of our brothers and sisters of Alpha Gamma Rho and Delta Zeta.  You can go here for more information or contact your chapter representative.

A few pictures from the week-
Milk and Yo Gabba Gabba

 Catching up with Uncle Rob

 Fun with Dave and Brittany

Friday, January 13, 2012


Sam went in for his third round of Augmented ICE on Tuesday afternoon, and was released last night around midnight.  Everything went very well.  He's been pretty tired all day, but we were able to get out for a short walk.  He has another scan scheduled for February 1.  Until then we're just here, hanging out.  Like many of you, we have given our pantry and fridge a complete overhaul.  Stay tuned for some healthy, feel good recipes.

And thanks again to everyone who made my birthday so special, especially Alison and Andy Brettschneider.  I've been telling Sam for years that I wanted to spend my 30th in NYC.  The lengths he'll go to keep me happy...

Here are a few pictures from the day.   

Friday, January 6, 2012

It Could Be Worse...

We met with Sam's doctor today and learned that the cancer is still there, though the masses throughout his body have been reduced in size.  It's not exactly the news we were hoping for, but at least there has been a response.  Dr. Matasar is advising one more round of chemo followed up with another scan.  He's never done more than four rounds of this particular type of chemo on anyone, and we're certainly not out to set any records.

They're still searching for a donor.  Thank you so much to everyone who's signed up.  We heard you may be able to score a free test kit if you use this promo code:  PIF070109 (thanks Christy Johnston!).

And I know we've said it one hundred times already, but thank you again for all of your thoughtful cards, emails and messages.  They help keep our spirits up on even our toughest days.  Some of you have asked for it so here it is again 205 east 76th Street apt. 4 NY, NY 10021.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year

We'd like to wish all of our friends and family a very Happy New Year!  Sam and I went out for an amazing dinner, but found ourselves in the back of an ambulance at midnight after Sam had one too many dirty martinis (seven to be exact).  And since Sloan-Kettering won't receive ambulance traffic we ended up having to hail a cab.  Not an easy task in Manhattan on New Year's Eve.  It's such a crazy system that really needs to be rethought.  But we finally made it, and after lots of fluids, potassium and nausea medication (and a few lectures from the medical staff) we were headed home.  We spent New Year's day relaxing at home and cooked up this yummy soup.

Still no word on a donor.  Thank you so, so much to everyone who has sent away for a kit.  We know some of you tried and, for one reason or another, weren't qualified to donate.  You all are amazing, and we appreciate all your efforts.  Sam has a PET scan on January 4th to see if this chemo has worked.  We will let you know as soon as we hear anything.

But on to the exciting news...we are now the proud aunt and uncle to a beautiful, healthy niece!  Sam's brother, Rob, and his wife, Tiffany, welcomed Isabella Rosemary into the world on December 29.  She's absolutely perfect, and we are very excited to meet her when we get home.  Your turn Ralna Reel!  Waiting and praying for some good news soon :)  Happy New Year everyone!